Sunday, March 16, 2014

How are you enjoying MTS?

I have come to dread that question. I don't resent being asked. I appreciate the care people are showing for me and the ministry I'm involved in. I know they're being polite, showing an interest in my life and work, wanting to encourage me in ministry, finding out how I'm going. I rarely answer perfectly honestly. 

I don't much like it. Part of this is that OWeek is hard, week one only a bit less so, I'm still trying to learn people's names, and I spent most of last week with a cold. I haven't had the best time recently. Nothing terrible has happened, but I have been worn down. 

But right now I don't want to continue in full time ministry after my two years of MTS. I didn't before I started either, but I thought I would likely change my mind. It hasn't changed yet, and doesn't feel like it will. 

How do I answer this question? I usually say that it's tiring, and different to my previous job, and that I don't really know what I'm doing. It's true, but not complete. I'm looking at a week of sending emails and calling people who aren't really that keen, where I have to provide all the energy and enthusiasm for the relationship. I'm looking at a semester of meeting people for the first time, then meeting more people, then meeting more people, then see the first people again and forget everything about them. I'm looking at a year ahead when everything looks like a burden, and nothing like a joy.

So how, in the end, am I dealing with this gloominess? To start with, I'm keeping on keeping on. Persevering for the sake of perseverance. It will get easier as I get to know people, set up regular things, work out a balance. There will be more joys as I see people grow in the knowledge and love of God, which will make the hard yards worthwhile. I'm chatting to a few people rather more honestly than the evasive 'tired' response. I'm also trying to learn to rest in God, to find reading his word alone relaxing and invigorating rather than a task to be gotten through.


OWeek was two weeks ago now. We ran a watermelon stall, another stall more for information but it also had watermelon, had heaps of chats and ended the week with a walk along the breakwater at Nobby's.

This is Steffi (my housemate), feeding watermelon to a bird. I don't know what the bird was trying to advertise.

I chatted to some Iraqi blokes who were interested in the ESL course we are starting up. There were a few people who said they are interested in finding out more about Christianity, so hopefully next week I will start meeting up with some girls to read the Bible with them.

The most encouraging thing about the week was seeing older students getting involved and working hard to make sure everyone knows about Newcastle Christian Students, even as the week dragged on. Sam is an Engineering/Business student who was there every day, setting up the stall, handing out leaflets and striking up conversations. By Friday afternoon, he and I were the only ones still on campus, manning the stall and meeting quite a few people, even up to 2pm when we packed up. Ben is a second year Education student who organised the leafleting, getting up at 6:30 most mornings to be there at 8am, ready to leaflet the 9am orientation sessions. Jasmine and Juliet came from the central coast on Tuesday and were really proactive in striking up conversations with people walking past the stall.